Letters, Volume-18 Number-04, 1983
We welcome your letters. Write to BACK TO GODHEAD 51 West Allens Lane Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119 Some time this year I received by chance an issue of BACK TO GODHEAD. Being of an inquisitive nature, I took some time in reading it. A large... read more
Now His Art Has Meaning by Nandarani Devi Dasi
A gifted artist gives up a career on Madison Avenue for a simple life of spiritual dedication. In the spring of 1969, the Today Show ran a special on the paintings of Alfred Valerio, a Madison Avenue ad designer on his way to the top of the commercial art... read more
The Self And Its Bodies by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
A lecture given in June 1976 at the Detroit Hare Krsna center yathajnas tamasa yukta upaste vyaktam eva hi na veda purvam aparam nasta-janma-smrtis tatha "As a sleeping person acts according to the body manifested in his and accepts it to be himself, so one... read more