A Higher Education by Kundali Dasa
Will the crisis in American education extend to Krsna conscious schools? In May of this year, my wife and I had our first child, a boy. Since his birth, I've had to answer many questions from relatives about my intentions for his future education. They were... read more
One Potato, Two Potato, Three by Visakha Devi Dasi
Or pick any vegetable, choose one of these three cooking methods, and you're on your way to creating a unique main or side dish. This month, I'd like to discuss three-basic ways of cooking vegetables. As you become thoroughly conversant with these three... read moreLetters, Volume-19 Number-09, 1984
We welcome your letters. Write to BACK TO GODHEAD 51 West Allens Lane Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119 Devotees seem to be antiscientific. Two articles in the July issue ("Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out" and "Science or... read more
The Death of My Father by Brahma Muhurta Dasa
A son's eulogy transforms a funeral service into an unforgettable interreligious experience. Some time back, my father's mother and sister and my mother's brother all passed away within the space of a year. One day my father called me to his studio and... read more