The Many Loves of Auto Man by Mathuresa Dasa
In Vedic society "love" of dogs, cats, country, relatives, and humanity goes by a different name. There's a long history to bumper stickers. It began with Stone Age cavedwellers, who sometimes painted pictures on the walls of their homes. Later on, the... read moreA High Price For Tomatoes by Rasaprada Dasa
Newly arisen amid the rice paddies and cabbage fields just forty miles outside Tokyo is the city of Tsukuba, Japan's "City for Science," recently illustrated in Smithsonian magazine. Tsukuba Science City, as it's now known, was conceived... read more
Zooillogical Hypocrisy by Acarya Devi Dasi
On a recent trip to New York I visited the Bronx Zoo. My husband and my brother-in-law taking turns behind my two year-old son in his stroller, we toured the bird sanctuary and the reptile house, at last coming to a particularly large and prominent sign: "The... read more
A New Wrinkle On An Age-Old Problem by Dvarakadhisa Devi Dasi
Three generations of women were waiting at the bus stop. The eldest woman, wearing a loose floral print over her ample form, appeared to be somewhere in her fifties. She was leaning back against the bench, listening wearily to her daughter's spirited attacks on... read more