An Open House With An Open Heart by Visakha Devi Dasi
Finding fertile ground for spiritual life in the California hills. Treasure hunt clue: "Follow this path. Don't be led astray, and you will find: a ruler stays straight on the righteous path and always calculates what's best for human... read more
A New Leash On Life by Suci Devi Dasi
I thought I'd seen it all when it came to sales pitches and advertising gimmicks. That is, until I read the Philadelphia Inquirer one Sunday and came upon a piece of advertising genius more effective than the "bandwagon appeal" and more subtle... read more
One More Round by Dvarakadhisa Devi Dasi
Alone and faceless at the far end of the bar, in a corner full of shadows, he sits in nondescript anonymity. He drinks quietly and steadily, gazing into the shadows as his thoughts play out his fantasies. In his dream, his wife is faithful and never leaves him in fits... read more
Every Town and Village, Volume-21 Number-12, 1986
A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Delhi Suburb Gets ISKCON Temple Delhi Surabhi Swami, ISKCON's Minister of Architecture, used to call Punjabi Bagh, the neighborhood here where he's lived... read more