4 No-Nonsense Facts of Life by Visakha Devi Dasi
A hard look at the problems we all face. You may have heard Krsna's devotees use the term conditioned soul, and you may have wondered what it meant. A conditioned soul is one controlled by the insurmountable forces of material nature, especially the miseries... read more
300 Years of Barbarism by Visakha Devi Dasi
A visit to an exhibit of Philadelphia's culinary history reveals incongruity in the "city of brotherly love." "Ages of Eating in Philadelphia," read the title to the cover story to the food section of the Philadelphia Inquirer. "An... read more
My Eureka Experience by Kundali Dasa
A few lines from a little book turn a routine evening after work into an Archimedean bath. A eureka experience occurs when something routine and familiar suddenly triggers a powerful, emotionally charged realization, and you perceive as never before the depth,... read more