Remembering the Darker Days
The following interview with Premavati-devi dasi, whose eleven-month-old daughter died in a Soviet labour camp, took place in Moscow in August, 1987 Interviewer: Please tell us something about the practice of Krsna consciousness in the Soviet Union.... read more
Krsna, the Perfect Friend by Ajitananda Dasa
The more we hear about God's unlimited qualities, the more we'll understand that nothing can satisfy like friendship with Him. The desire for friendship is universal. It is based on our propensity to love someone. This propensity is thoughtfully... read more
Of Boxes, Modes, And the Freedom To Choose by Mathuresa Dasa
Are we free? Or are we like the behavioural psychologist B. F. Skinner's rats simply products of our environmental cages? "Psyche," from the Greek word for soul, connotes an inner spirit as distinguished from its vehicle, the... read more
Hare Krsna Chant
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare You might not think this picture shows someone practicing yoga. But chanting the names of God is actually the supreme form of yoga. Of course,... read more