The Festive World of the Lord of the Universe
Lord Jagannatha's Ratha-yatra is a chance for everyone to taste the joy and variety of spiritual life. You've never seen anything like it! Unless of course, you've been to one before. Ratha-yatra, the festival of the chariots, is an ancient celebration... read morePhilosophical Vignettes by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
In this new feature of BACK TO GODHEAD, devotees succinctly express some of the realisations they have gained through service and devotion to Lord Krsna. The Sports Page I was looking through a copy of the international Herald Tribune when a devotee entered... read moreMore Than Just a Religion by Caitanya Rupa Devi Dasi
What can Krsna consciousness possibly offer someone who has studied with Franciscan monks, read the Koran, worshipped Allah, and been "born again"? Several times lately I have come upon an attitude best summed up in the following... read moreLetters, Volume-23 Number-08, 1988
We welcome your letters. Write to BACK TO GODHEAD 51 West Allens Lane Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119 Congratulations for the special issue of Back to Godhead devoted to Krsna consciousness in the USSR. It was most timely and has served to focus... read more