Cooking Class: Lesson 2 by Yamuna Devi
Rice Going with the Grain UNTIL RECENTLY, nearly all the rice sold on Western grocery shelves was bland. Fortunately, India's premier long-grain rice, regarded as the finest in the world, is now available. It's basmati rice (literally "the queen of... read more
On Mystic Perfections and Long-Distance Hypnosis by Sadaputa Dasa
IT WAS 9:00 P.M., April 22, 1886. The four researchers Ochorowicz, Marillier, Janet, and A. T. Myers crept quietly through the deserted streets of Le Havre and took up their stations outside the cottage of Madame B. They waited expectantly. Then it happened. "At... read more
Vrndavana Meditations by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
I AM IN VANDAVANA. It is night. The pigeons are roosting, crickets chirping. A man is intoning some sastra, fulfilling a vow by broadcasting scripture under the distant stars. They stand as cold witnesses. I want to complain that I am being forced to stay... read more