Thorn by Vraja Kishor Dasa
CHEW THE THORN. Drink the blood. Call it pleasure. "Quench that thirst." Sex is suffering. Bleed envy. Bleed jealousy. Bleed heartache. Call it pleasure. Chew the thorn. I won't. Go ahead, say it. Call me a fanatic. I don't mind it's not the... read more
Stepping Out by Urmila Devi Dasi
STUDENTS LOOK forward to field trips! They're a chance to learn by direct experience, a chance to apply or expand what one has learned in the classroom or at home. Actually, whenever Krsna conscious adults take their children or students out, in effect we take... read more
How Long Can Modern Agriculture Feed Us? by Hare Krsna Devi Dasi
I'M WRITING THIS ARTICLE just after the U.S. government has approved a substance likely to send thousands of cows to the slaughterhouse, drive thousands of family farms out of business, and expose thousands of consumers to potentially dangerous antibiotics.... read more
Always Remember Krsna.. by Rohininandana Dasa
AND NEVER forget Him." So states the most important instruction of the Vedas. All other rules and regulations simply serve to assist this one basic principle. Thinking of Krsna is as natural as thinking of our own self. Despite our involvement with a... read more