The Hare Krsna World Convention by Prasanta Devi Dasi
This year, ISKCON's annual festival in honor of the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the largest international gathering of Srila Prabhupada's followers ever. LET'S GO BACK SOME four hundred years, to about thirty years after Lord Sri... read moreMadana Mohana Versus Madonna by Joan DeLisio
Transcendental Commentary on the Issues of the Day AT WORK I'M forced to hear popular lust songs on the radio. As I stand in line at the grocery store, magazine covers with beautiful celebrities do their best to capture my attention. I live in New York City, and... read more
Appreciating Prabhupada’s Gifts by Ravi Gupta
THIRTY YEARS AGO Srila Prabhupada came to America to spread the Krsna consciousness movement. Although he had tried hard in India to interest his countrymen in Lord Caitanya's message, they had mostly ignored him. But in the twelve years that followed... read more
Saved by the Book by Navina Nirada Dasah
ONCE IN San Diego a devotee was distributing small books in a parking lot. As he approached one car he saw a young man sitting in the driver's seat. When the devotee knocked on the window, the man shouted, "Look, just leave me alone! Get outta here!" The... read more