Giving Krsna Away by Rohininandana Dasa
I OWE A LOT to Lord Krsna's devotees. On an underground train in London many years ago, as I sat in my seat, alone and lost in thought, I heard a voice call to me "Hey, man!" I glanced up to see a shaven-headed young man with what looked like a white... read more
Cooking Class: Lesson 27 by Yamuna Devi
VEGGIE BURGERS once a favorite of vegetarians only are now showing up in restaurants everywhere. President Clinton is purportedly a big fan of the veggie Boca Burger. In America several brands of veggie burgers are available in natural-food stores and supermarkets,... read more
Pure Bhakti – “It Requires Nothing More Than Sincerity” by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
WHAT THE Bhagavatam defines as religion far surpasses what most people think of as religion today. According to the Bhagavatam, religion means bhakti, pure devotion. Pure devotion is the only process by which we can rediscover our lost... read more