Emphasis on Living by Nagaraja Dasa
NOT LONG AGO I gave a talk about the importance of preparing our consciousness for death. We have to face the fact that death is inevitable, I said, so we'd better be ready for it. Several people in the audience were hearing about Krsna consciousness for the first... read more
A Wrinkle in Time by Arcana Siddhi Devi Dasi
Why old age is a gift from God. WHENEVER I WENT to my best friend's house, her great-grandmother, Mrs. Werble, would be perched in the same spot, staring at the television. Delighted to have a visitor, Mrs. Werble would insist I sit with her, and she'd ramble... read more
Thirty Days In Krsna’s Land by Lokanath Swami
In remote corners of Vrndavana, Pilgrims find little known places of Krsna's pastimes and get a clearer view Into their own hearts. THE VRAJA Mandala Parikrama* is a walking pilgrimage throughout the land of Vraja, or Mathura, the district in North India... read moreFor the Gentle and the Ruffians by Indradyumna Swami
At a festival in Poland, the Lord's holy names soothe souls to quell a threat. Each summer, His Holiness Indradyumna Swami heads up a group of devotees who put on dozens of Hare Krsna festivals throughout Poland. Here he reports on two of this... read more