Give Yourself A Break Before You Break Down by Caitanya Carana Dasa
Are you irritated, depressed, frustrated or angry? Perhaps the software of your mind is infected with negative vIruses. Imagine a person working on a computer that has viruses. He is busy typing, but the computer is hung. A computer expert informs him,... read more
Rebellious Soul
O Rebellious Soul! Please do not give any justification. There is a long way to renunciation. It is up to you which path you choose, Catch the spiritual one or leave it loose. There may come times when you may be in troubles, But you should be thorough... read more
Seat No.71 by Yugavatara Dasa
This year, a week before Gaura Purnima, I was scheduled to travel from Nasik to Mumbai along with my God-brother Sanatana Rasa Dasa. As we were boarding the train we met another devotee, who was also traveling to Mumbai. To my amazement this devotee, Pravin, had... read more
What Is The Value Of Time? by Sanjay Sabnis
Srila Prabhupada's teachings throw new light on a bygone incident During college, my father gifted me a wrist watch. The gift packet also carried a contest form to be completed and returned to the company with a slogan: "Why I prefer this brand?"... read more