Terrorism Combating or Transcending? by Vraja Vihari Dasa
Seeking security in a hostile world. “No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow.“ (Edward W. Howe) In the wake of the 26/11 tragedy, preaching Krishna consciousness to the youth of Mumbai presented new challenges. The... read more
Engineered Food by Chand Prasad
Find out the risks of genetically engineered crops. Biotechnology is a method of gaining and maintaining corporate control over food resources. It involves genetic engineering, i.e. taking genes from one species and inserting them into another. For instance, genetic... read more
The Rabbit Race by Yugavatara Dasa
I was listening to a lecture in an ISKCON temple. The speaker talked about enthusiasm and patience. He said we should be enthusiastic like the rabbit and patient like a tortoise. Perhaps you know the story of the race between a rabbit and a tortoise. In this race the... read more