Stages of Consciousness by Nagaraja Dasa
I recently be came a grandfather for the first time. Looking at my infant grand-daughter, Vilasini, I think about what’s going on in her mind. Where’s her consciousness at this point in her life? The answer seems obvious: She’s mostly... read more
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s South India Tour by Bhakti Vikasa Swami
In the early 1930s, the intrepid preacher of Krishna consciousness receives grand receptions from the devoted people of South India. South India, 1930–31 & 1932 Srila Bhakti siddhanta Sarasvati wanted to install 108 pada-pithas (replicas of Sri... read more
Don’t Look Now, But There’s A Goddess in Your Pocket by Navina Syama Dasa
An example of Hare Krishna lingo, and why it makes sense. Haribol , Prabhu. Do you know where the bhoga is? I need to make prasada for the istha-gosthi tonight.” On hearing something like this, a visitor to a Hare Krishna temple would be justifiably... read more
Chanting At the World’s Biggest Street Party by Krishna Krpa Dasa
The holy name resounds through the streets of Amsterdam on the Queen’s birthday. When count ries observe national holidays, people often gather by the thousands to celebrate. Last year I was one of a group of Hare Krishna devotees on hand for... read more