A Wedding Anniversary Gift by Parama Purusa Dasa
On 17 Jan 2009, we had a big program at our house to welcome the Deities of Gaura-Nitai and Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subhadra. The next day, my wife and I had to attend a meeting at Mira Road, Mumbai, at 8:30 am. After taking rest at midnight, we got up... read more
Escaping from Scientism by Caitanya Carana Dasa
Science does not have a monopoly on human knowledge. Question: When I talk about God, the soul, and rebirth, people often ask, “Why discuss such unscientific things in this modern age of science?” Answer: Their question betrays their basic misconception... read more
The Debt Of Khicari by Yugavatara Dasa
This simple prasada takes the author back to his college days. The mercy of the Lord flows from ISKCON temples via multiple channels. Sometimes it flows in the form of the holy name, sometimes in the form of the Bhagavad-gita and sometimes in the form of... read more
Truth And Religion
Sincere people want to approach religion to learn how to love, ot learn how to be good to others. All great religions, scriptures and true saints of the world end up at one subject matter not being a muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jew, or a Buddhist but knowledge or truth.... read more