Vedic Thoughts, Volume-44 Number-03, 2010
Human prosperity flourishes by natural gifts and not by gigantic industrial enterprises. The gigantic industrial enterprises are products of a godless civilization, and they cause the destruction of the noble aims of human life. The more we go on increasing... read moreDebt Relief by Nagaraja Dasa
These days, advertisements for debt relief are everywhere. Some debt may be okay; it’s part of living in a modern economy. The problem is, a lot of people get buried in debt mortgages, medical bills, car loans, credit cards. When you’re paying off... read more
In the Lap of Mother Nature by Vamsi Vihari Dasa
Amid fields, cows, rivers, and mountains, the author finds himself closer to God. God is our supreme father, and one of His energies, nature, is our mother. A mother nourishes her child with the milk from her body, and she also sees to the overall development... read moreIn Memoriam
His Holiness Mahavisnu Goswami This article originally appeared in ISKCON News, the news agency of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and was made available to BTG by special arrangement. For more news about ISKCON, please visit... read more