In Your Own Words
I WILL TRY TO PACIFY my friend by saying a few consolation words: “I understand you are undergoing a difficult time. The situation is going from bad to worse, and it seems this is never going to end. Know for certain that this is Krishna’s special mercy,... read more
Modern Culture A Civilization of Animals by Jahnu Dvipa Dasa
Unless we transcend animalistic forms of enjoyment, we will remain aloof from the bliss of Krishna consciousness. In the modern culture it is advertized that sense enjoyment will create happiness. Indeed, sense enjoyment is the only type of happiness the... read more
A Muslim Vaishnava? by Vraja Vihari Dasa
A meeting with a Russian devotee helps the author remove all misunderstandings about Muslims. An ISKCON temple is located on the outskirts of Moscow, in a town named Eurolova. I stayed there for two weeks. One day, while giving the morning... read moreIn And Out of Fire by Bhakti Lata Devi Dasi
This particular story began when I was thirteen I began to develop a chronic, mysterious illness that only became progressively more painful. One day at school when I was fourteen, Google was just emerging as a tool to find information, so I searched for the symptoms... read more