A Hare Krishna In The Stock Market by Ananda Vrndavana Dasa
Choosing a life of dignity and devotion over a life of money and misery. (As told to Vraja Vihari Dasa) I was born in December 1962 to a well-to-do Gujarati family in Mumbai. My father, a wealthy businessman, was deeply religious; two of India’s... read more
Cure for the Insecure by Manish Goel
Finding real shelter and security in an insecure world. I have gone bankrupt.” Prateek muttered. “Why! What happened?” I exclaimed. “Sensex hit an all-time low today. It might take a few years to recover. I had... read moreThe Great Hype
They said . . . . . . we’ve made a ship that will never sink. But it was just a great hype . . . ‘coz the ship sank within a blink! . . . man has gone to the moon and can live there soon. But it is just a great hype . .... read more
On The Way To Krishna by Vaibhav K.Joshi
For a devotee, life is a continuous series of commas, one after the other, in the beautiful upward journey toward Krishna! There are only two ways of living your life: see death as a full stop and try to do everything before it strikes, or see... read more