In Your Own Words
What lessons do you learn by observing someone’s death? I learned the following lessons after observing the death of my grandparents: 1. Everything in this material world is temporary and full of pain. 2. Death can come at any moment and... read more
Serve God or Serve Dog? by Satyananda Dasa
Compassion towards animals: when, where and how to apply it. Sanjay Sharma, a resident of Meghalaya, was in the news for undertaking an arduous journey in his car all the way to Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He drove eighteen hours a day nonstop for 4000 km.... read moreCan of Worms by Sutapa Dasa
Material world, a place of temporary improvements and permanent inconvenience. I recently met an old friend who told me the master plan for his spiritual journey. While his current 70-hour-a-week city job ensures his steady ascent up the corporate... read more
Discovery The Science of Bhakti-Yoga by Caitanya Carana Dasa
The sooner we realize the benefits of bhakti-yoga, the faster we achieve peace and harmony within a techno-centric world. As a spiritual teacher with a scientific educational background, I am often asked to give scientific presentations on spirituality.... read more