Dying To Disappear by Nagaraja Dasa
Like most organizations, Srila Prabhupada’s Hare Krishna movement has its share of jargon. If the word jargon brings to mind its negative definition “unintelligible language” consider that the first dictionary definition is “specialist... read more
Love at First Sight by Pervin Jumala
How a moment and a few sincere words changed a life. Wow! That's So beautiful.” Firoz and I were frozen for a moment, awestruck by our first glimpses of Radha and Krishna, named Radha-Gopinatha at this temple in the chowpatty section of mumbai. We sat... read more
Meditation While Working by Urmila Devi Dasi
After many years of service in a spiritual environment, a job in a public school challenges one devotee’s attempts to always remember Krishna. The Lone Mystic sitting in a mountain cave by a clear, flowing river, with access to ample fruit and nut trees,... read more
Jagannatha Puri Ratha Yatra A Front-Row View by Jahnudvipa Dasa
To Watch the biggest religious festival in the world from the front row is a truly mind-blowing experience, especially knowing that this is God coming out to see His people. From dawn on the day of rathayatra, thousands of people convene on Grand road in... read more