Every Town And Village, Volume-01 Number-01 (Indian), 2013
Dipavali at Houston, USA Houston, Texas, USA: ISKCON Houston participated in the worldwide celebrations of Dipavali and Govardhana-puja. More than 1,000 guests visited the temple here to celebrate Lord Rama’s arrival after conquering the demon Ravana. ISKCON... read more
Giving Krishna Beyond Illiteracy by Vrinda Devi Dasi
Sarva Kanti beams with pleasure as she hands over change to the man who just bought a Bhagavad-gita from the temple’s book table. Despite her advanced age and poor health she loves spending most of her time at the temple, welcoming guests and handing out... read more
Final Words of a Dying Father by Janakinatha Dasa
Every December, the book marathon promises to be an exciting event. While travelling from door to door, village to village, through remote parts of India, we invariably meet someone who has been miraculously touched by Krishna’s mercy. One such person was... read more