Every Town and Village, Volume-10 Number-09, 2013
ToVP Towers and Trees Mayapur, WB: Last summer the ToVP began a nursery near the Jagannatha Mandir. It is home to thousands of various types of trees and shrubs. They will spend the next few years growing in the nursery so they will be full and lush at the time of... read more
Touched by Srila Prabhupada’s Books by Nikunja Vilasini Devi Dasi
When delivered by His pure representative, Krishna’s message attracts and transforms people young and old. Haribol Nani!" I greet my grand mother as I enter her home. Unable to get up to receive me, she stretches out her arms, ready to... read more
Surrender Out of Love by Purushottam Kumar
My friend cringed when he heard that the final instruction of the Bhagavad-gita is to surrender to Krishna wholeheartedly. "Am I a criminal that I should surrender to Him? Better worship a God who is more humble and down-to-earth!" The word surrender... read more
The Higher Purpose Behind Keeping Vows by Suvarna Radhika Devi Dasi
Without a transcendental objective, being truthful may seem difficult in front of the alluring temptations of ordinary life. Every politician in India, upon assuming office, takes an oath to faithfully execute the responsibilities of his office, will do his best... read more