Labeling Body Parts: Animals, Consciousness, and the Problem of Meat-Eating by Satyaraja Dasa
In an article entitled “Born to Bun: Labels to Tell Meat’s Life Story” (New York Daily News, April 4, 2013), journalist James Warren informs us about the Obama administration’s recent move to get new information on food labels in the... read more
The Launch of the Hare Krishna Express by Vikram Patil
A devotee from a remote village finds an innovative way to share Srila Prabhupada’s message with everyone. It’s widely known that Srila Prabhupada’s books have the potency to transform people’s hearts. Their message is so pure that they can... read moreSherlock Holmes – And the Limits of Modern Knowing by Navina shyama Dasa
Might the methods we employ to learn about day-to-day things fall short when we pursue transcendent truths? Elementary, my dear Watson, elementary.” Fans of the world’s most famous fictional detective will recognize these words as the prelude to an... read more