Life Essentials from Mahabharata by Subha Vilasa Dasa
The world is searching for a perfect book, a book that contains all you need to know. May be the key to this search lies in the pages of the Mahabharata . Vyasadeva boldly states the glory of this great text: What you will find here you may find elsewhere, but what... read more
“Nobody Knows Life’s Real Purpose”
The following conversation between His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Mr. C. Hennis of the United Nations International Labour Organization took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 31, 1974. Mr. Hennis: The International Labour Organization is... read more
3 Characteristics of God’s Love by Roshan Hota
Bottomless, Shoreless, and boundless Recently while speaking to my eight-year-old cousin, I asked her what prayers they recite in their morning assembly. She sang many prayers, one of which was a Christian nursery rhyme that I found interesting. It said: God’s... read more
The Prayers Of Queen Kunti & Prabhupada’s Triumph Over Adversity by Brahmananda Dasa
During times of hardship and illness, Srila Prabhupada turned to the immortal prayers of one of Lord Krishna's closest devotees. Queen Kunti, who walked this earth some five thousand years ago, was the sister of Vasudeva, Krishna's father. Her story is briefly... read more