Half Man, Half Lion, Full God by Gautam Saha
Prahlada was a great devotee of the Lord Always thinking and talking about the Lord He knew the Lord as Supreme throughout creation All else are subordinate to the Lord's disposition His father Hiranyakasipu, powerful and proud Wanted all to... read more
Forgiveness by Caitanya Carana Dasa
Examples from the Vedic tradition portray intelligent forgiveness that helps both the forgiver and the forgiven to grow. When someone hurts us, should we forgive or retaliate? All of us are likely to have pondered this question, as have thinkers throughout history.... read more
Word of Honor or Life of Honor ? by Caitanya Carana Dasa
By choosing his own reputation over the advice of his well-wishers to join the side of virtue, Karna chose the word of honor over the... read more
The Holes Formula by Kalyani Ajrekar
A young girl gets pimples all over her face, and she is embarrassed to face people. Desperate to find a solution, she approaches her friend, who recommends a cream that can cure this problem. The friend was facing a similar problem earlier, but after applying this... read more