Letters, Volume-48 Number-03, 2014
Turn to Krishna Hello, and I could say Hare Krishna , but I am not really eligible! Many years ago I used to go to Bhaktivedanta Manor and used to chant, etc. I often think of the wonderful devotees I used to know who inspired me there. Unfortunately, my life has been... read more
Welcome, Volume-48 Number-03, 2014
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the means to God realization in this age: congregational chanting of the names of God. As anyone who has seen Hare Krishna devotees chanting in public can attest, dancing always accompanies our singing. We don’t just chant; we... read moreLetters,Volume-11 Number-06(Indian) 2014
Loving Those Who Hurt Us How can we love those who have hurt us over & over again? Isn’t it better to remain distanced? —Anonymous Our reply: It is not possible for ordinary people to develop the high level of compassion necessary to love those... read moreVariety is the Spice of Spiritual Life by Syamananda Dasa
One of the most interesting points of Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy is the understanding of the Absolute Truth in five features. Many in India as well as outside know the philosophy: God is one. And it is in fact true. There cannot be two Gods; otherwise there will be a... read more