Mother Cow or Cash Cow by Pancharatna Dasa
India is now the largest exporter of meat in the world and similarly ranks first for the production of leather. Yet, India has the lowest rate of meat consumption in the world due to the high percentage of lactovegetarians. Additionally, it is the world’s... read more
Lack of Vision and Spiritual Vision by Ravikant Jagtap
Neither health issues nor physical blindness hampered his march towards the right shelter at the lotus feet of Krishna My journey into Krishna consciousness has been a long and winding one. After going through many tests and struggles, I got this precious gift of... read more
The Nature of the Soul ( Part 2 ) by Sukhavaha Devi Dasi
(In the previous issue, we covered the need for security. In this issue we will look at the soul’s need for two more things.) Over the past 38 years, while engaging in the practice of bhakti yoga, chanting Krishna's Holy Names, offering services and... read more
Born to Teach by Subha Vilas Dasa
Every incarnation leaves behind a set of lessons for humanity to follow. If we apply them, our lives become perfect. Extraordinary people do extraordinary things in extraordinary ways. But some of them are even born in extraordinary ways and teach extraordinary... read more