Letters, Volume 11 Number 05 ( Indian ), 2014
How to Pursue Happiness I am a young Nigerian man, a graduate. However, things have not been working for me, and this is really causing me a lot of frustration and depression. Please, how do I handle these challenges practically, and how best can I pursue happiness? |... read more“Krishna Is Coming!” by Nagaraja Dasa
When Srila Prabhupada’s disciple Mahamaya Devi Dasi published her memoirs about her spiritual master in the year 2000, she titled the book Srila Prabhupada Is Coming! The exclamation point aptly captures the devotees’ mood whenever Prabhupada visited any... read more
Playing With Krishna by Suvarna Radhika Devi Dasi
Introducing Krishna consciousness to young children through play. In one corner of my preschool room, two four-yearold boys are pretending to be Krishna and Balarama. Tying shiny scarves on their heads and waists, they wrestle with an imaginary Dhenukasura. In another... read more
Surfing or Suffering ? by Sarvabhauma Dasa
Anyone in the material world looking for the perfect wave is looking in the wrong ocean. In her book Prabhupada Stories, Govinda Dasi recalls her spiritual master’s reaction when he first witnessed American boys sporting in the ocean in 1967: Sometimes when... read more