Worldwide Activities of Krishna Consciousness
The Festival of India in Mumbai Mumbai: The city saw a new color of culture and devotion during a three-day long Festival of India celebrations held in Ghatkopar, a suburb in central Mumbai, from January 17-19. More than fifty thousand people were exposed to the great... read more
A Costly Mistake by Subha Vilasa Dasa
Leadership lessons from an epic story What are the characteristics of a good leader? What is good leadership all about? A good leader is one who is inspiring, a decision maker, proactive, and so on. They also possess the requisite foresight which prevents them from... read more
A Retreat for Krishna Couples by Arcana Siddhi Devi Dasi
ISKCON’s Grihastha Vision Team helps married couples progress in harmony toward their shared ultimate goal: pure love for Krishna . Many years ago , when I told my boyfriend I was moving into the ashram of a Hare Krishna temple, he cried. He told me it would... read more
The Nature of the Soul by Sukhavaha Devi Dasi ( Part 1 )
Ananda, or bliss – this is what we are looking for. But What are the conditions we need to fulfill to experience bliss ? Over the past 38 years, while engaging in the practice of bhakti yoga, chanting Krishna's Holy Names, offering services and meditating on... read more