Death And Dying In the Vedic Tradition by Giriraja Swami
A talk presented to the doctors and nurses of San Diego Hospice and The Institute for Palliative Medicine in San Diego, California. It is a great pleasure for me to address you all here, especially because this hospice is recognized as one of the best and largest in... read more
Three Mindsets by Subha Vilasa Dasa
There are three mindsets in this world: samskrti, vikrti and prakrti. Samskrti is the mindset where you keep your needs aside and focus on others needs. Vikrti is the mindset where your needs take prominence to the extent of even crushing others needs. This is called... read more
“Do you Still Belive in God?” by Caitanya Carana Dasa
A skeptical friend challenges a devotee’s faith after the devotee’s painful injury. I recently came across a Gallup poll, conducted in 2011, in which Americans were asked, “Do you still believe in God?” Ninety percent answered yes. The poll... read more
Don’t Compromise Your Principles by Mahatma Dasa
“Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other.” – Mark Twain The first thing Srila Prabhupada explained to a friend of mine in their three-hour meeting on how to run his business was this: “Don’t... read more