Vraja Kishor Dasa
Soul is reality,
regardless what your beliefs may be.
Experiments? Proof?
But are you willing to enter the laboratory?
108: idefy
She said: Two hydrogen and one oxygen atom make water.
He said: Atoms! Give me a break! These little things you can't even see. You put a few together, and out comes water … You expect me to believe that?
She said: It's a fact. Two hydrogens and one oxygen make water.
He said: I'll believe it when I see it. Prove it to me!
She said: All right.
He said: You're crazy. You can't prove it!
She said: I can prove it to you. Just come into my laboratory and do the experiment. The first step is to look in this …
He said: Oh yeah. Right. Good one. The laboratory. You want me to go into your laboratory and do your experiment your way that's brainwashing.
She said: No … If you'll just take a look in this microscope …
He said: I'm not gonna do any of your crazy rituals! What are you trying to do, convert me!? You people are nuts. You believe all these crazy things. Two hydrogens and one oxygen make water! Gimme a break!
She said: I can show you if you'll look in this microscope …
He said: I'll never follow your rules! You can't prove anything to me!
* * *
She said: God exists. If we focus our efforts and devotion on God, our lives will become complete.
He said: God! Gimme a break! This mythological character you can't even see. Worship Him and you'll feel dandy … You expect me to believe that?
She said: It's a fact. God exists. We become complete through devotion to Him.
He said: Yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it. Prove it to me!
She said: All right.
He said: You're crazy. You can't prove it!
She said: I can prove it to you, just come into the laboratory and do the experiment. The first step is to remove the blindfold of attachment to material …
He said: Oh yeah. Right. Good one. The laboratory. You want me to come into your laboratory and do your experiment your way that's brainwashing.
She said: No … If you'll just begin chanting Hare Krsna …
He said: I'm not gonna do any of your crazy rituals! What are you trying to do, convert me!? You people are nuts. You believe all these crazy things: God and spiritual worlds and … Gimme a break! You can't show me God.
She said: I'll show you. Let me just explain …
He said: Just show me God!
She said: I'm trying to tell you where to look.
He said: I'll never follow your rules! You can't prove anything to me!
Soul is reality,
regardless what your beliefs may be.
Experiments? Proof?
But are you willing to enter the laboratory?
108: idefy
Vraja Kisora Dasa (formerly Bhakta Vic of 108) joined the Hare Krsna movement about three years ago. He recently received spiritual initiation from Dhanurdhara Swami in Vrndavana, India. He and his band (called 108) are based at ISKCON's temple in Washington, D.C.