Every Town And Planing,Volume-08 Number-04, 2011 – Back To Godhead

Book Release

Miracle on Second Avenue
Author: Mukunda Goswami
ISKCON guru Mukunda Goswami’s long awaited memoir of the early days of the Hare Krishna Movement in New York, San Francisco, and London entitled Miracle on Second Avenue was ceremonially “offered” to the Deities of Sri Sri Panca tattva at ISKCON’s headquarters in Mayapur, West Bengal on February 23, 2011.
Harmony and Bhagavad gita
Author: Visakha Devi Dasi
Torchlight Publications
This is a contemplative memoir from the enchanting Saranagati Valley, British Columbia, Canada. It demystifies the Gita, making its verses a clear source of enlightenment and personal development, and revealing why the reader needs the Gita’s wisdom. The book discusses contemporary concerns the ecology, stewardship, interpersonal conflict, peaceful living, priorities, values in a way that is easy to understand and of immediate importance to readers. 

Rebuilding After Earthquake

Christchurch, Nea Zealand: After a 6.3 magnitude earthquake completely destroyed their Deities and temple building on February 22, Christchurch devotees are trying to stay positive during one of the most difficult times in their lives. They have made a temporary home for the forms of Srila Prabhupada, Giriraja, and their small Gaura Nitai Deities, Who survived the earthquake, in a devotee’s house.

Krsna Kirtan In Island

Cape Verde, West Africa: Yadunandana Swami recently completed a twenty day sankirtana expedition to Cape Verde, a cluster of ten islands off the coast of Senegal, West Africa. It was the first time that Krishna consciousness has been systematically presented in the country.
Hyderabad, AP: ISKCON is set to open a play school to impart value based education for children in Hyderabad. With an initial strength of 100 children, it will open on March 13 and provide pre primary education and will be later extended up to the fourth standard.