The annual Ratha-yatra of Lord Jagannatha will be celebrated in Puri, Orrisa on 16 July. Ratha-yatra will also be celebrated in the following ISKCON centers around the same time: Baroda, Bhuvneshwar, Kolkotta, Hyderabad, Mira Road, Mumbai; Surat, (16 July) and Vallabh Vidya Nagar (15 July). Please confirm the exact schedule with the local temples. 
Parthasarathi Dasa, a Sergeant First Class in the US Army has received permission from his Commanding Officer to have two Rathayatras on US bases in Iraq. In his last posting in Iraq he was given facility to have Bhagavad-gita classes and do book distribution to the soldiers. The Rath-yatra is scheduled for 15 August and he is expecting 200 – 900 soldiers to participate. He can be contacted at: parthasarathi. kks@pamho.net 

Students at Srila Prabhupada

FIRST NATIONAL SPIRITUAL CULTURE STUDENT competition in Bangladesh was organized by Jagrata Chatra Samaj (Awakened Student Society ) based in Sridhama Mayapur. Under the guidance of His Holiness Bhakti Purusortama Swami, Jagrata Chatra Samj organizes spiritual education programs for school students in Kolkata, regional districts of West Bengal, and Bangladesh. 
More than 6 thousand students participated in competitions conducted in 28 regional areas of Bangladesh. The categories included: devotional drawing and painting, bhajan a singing, memorization & recitation of selected Gita slokas, drama, philosophical lecturing, poetry, and even fancy devotional dress. The aim was to enliven interest in the traditional Gaudiya Vaisnava culture in Bangladesh. 
After the regionals, more than 1200 students were invited for the National Finals in ISKCON Bangladesh headquarters, Swamibhag Asram, Dhaka, held on 18 and 19 May 2007. 
30 winners were later taken on two day parikrama of Vaisnava tirthas in Bangladesh. His Holiness Bhakti Purusottoma Swami & ISKCON Bangladesh are showing an excellent example of how Krsna consciousness can be effectively spread through out our communities in a very attractive and culturally enriching way. 
A similar function was held in West Bengal where 500 students attended the 13th Student's conference at ISKCON on 29-31 May 2007. 

Bhumi Pujan

The bhumi pujan function for a magnificent new Radha-Krsna temple and Vedic Cultural Center was celebrated at Pune on 11 April 2007. During this ceremony, a Deity of Lord Anantadev, the sustainer of all the universes, was placed under the ground just below the place where sanctumsanctorum for Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Vrndavanacandra will be constructed. The program was graced by His Holiness Gopal Krsna Goswami Maharaja (GBC, ISKCON-Pune), His Holiness Lokanath Swami Maharaja, and Bhima Dasa. Over 1000 devotees attended the bhumi pujan. The upcoming Vedic cultural center on a four acre plot on the Katraj Kondwa highway will open the vistas of spiritual experience for thousands of Puneites. The complex will feature a meditation and prayer hall, a Balaji temple, a cultural university, a Govinda restaurant, a guesthouse, a multimedia theater, a diorama exhibition , and a spacious prasadam and lecture hall to accommodate five thousand devotees. A unique feature will be VOICE (Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture and Education) which will have specialized facilities for holistic training for youth, children , teenagers, and corporate executives. 
13 th annual Dehu-Pandharpur Dindi festival will commence with a march from Pune to Pandharpur. The departure date is 5 July 2007 from Dehu as well as Alandi near Pune, and the arrival in Pandharpur will be on 25 July, a day before Sayana Ekadasi. There will be free prasadam and accommodation. More than two lakh devotees of Lord Vitthala participate every year in this yatra. 
There will also be a two day festival on July 26 and 27 in ISKCON Pandharpur with special darsans of Sri Sri Radha Pandharinatha , katha, kirtan, bhajan sandhya, boat festival, dipotsava, maha-harinam sankirtan, and prasadam distribution. 
For further information please contact: Kesava Dasa: 09422568259 Caitanya Candra Dasa : 02346- 255515