Nagaraja Dasa - Back To Godhead

In “The Best Benediction,” Mohini Radha Devi Dasi recalls a saint who rejected a magical stone that could produce gold. He had something much more valuable: the holy names of the Lord.

Why are God’s names so valuable? Because anything related to God, Krishna, is God Himself. That means we’re in touch with Krishna whenever, for example, we hear, recite, or remember His holy names or narrations of His activities. Associating with Krishna in the numerous ways available to us is the key to spiritual progress though bhakti-yoga, the culture of devotion to God.

Our series on Krishna’s avatars provides an easy way to focus our minds on transcendence. Just read “Lord Parasurama’s Revolution,” and you’ll be engulfed in the transformative power of spiritual sound.

Krishna’s devotees try to stay in constant contact with Him and bring others into His company. In “Parenting as Service to God,” we gain insights on how to increase Krishna’s presence in our homes. And in “Vedic Wisdom Reaches Finland’s Schools,” Krishna-krpa Dasa describes the success of a small group of devotees in bringing Krishna into the world of education where it is sorely needed, as Srila Prabhupada explains in “Dangerous Education.”

Our Purposes

• To help all people discern reality from illusion, spirit from matter, the eternal from the temporary.
• To expose the faults of materialism.
• To offer guidance in the Vedic techniques of spiritual life.
• To preserve and spread the Vedic culture.
• To celebrate the chanting of the holy names of God as taught by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
• To help every living being remember and serve Sri Krishna, the Personality of Godhead